UTP Cat 6 4 Pair 550MHz
1) Description
23 AWG solid bare copper conductors, Polyolefin insulation, twisted pairs,
PVC jacket (red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue or gray)
Suitable Applications: Premise Horizontal Cable, Gigabit Ethernet,
100BaseTX, 100BaseVG ANYLAN, 155ATM, 622ATM, NTSC/PAL
Component or Composite Video, AES/EBU, Digital Video, RS-422
2) Physical Dimensions
Center Conductor:-----------------------------0.56+0.01mm BC
Insulation:--------------------------------------0.953+0.02mm PE
Overall Cabling Fillers:------------------------Yes
Jacket:------------------------------------------6.10+0.05mm PVC
3) Mechanical Characteristics
Operating Temperature Range:---------------20 To +75
Installation Temperature Range:--------------0 To +60
Max. Recommended Pulling Tension: --------45 lbs
Min. Bend Radius (Install):---------------------0.25 in.
4) Pair Identification:
Pair 1 Blue/White w/Co-Extruded Blue Stripe on White Single
Pair 2 Orange/White w/Co-Extruded Orange Stripe on White Single
Pair 3 Green/White w/Co-Extruded Green Stripe on White Single
Pair 4 Brown/White w/Co-Extruded Brown Stripe on White Single
5) Electrical Characteristics
Capacitance:--------------------------------------15.5 pF/ft
Velocity of Propagation.:------------------------67%
Conductor DCR:----------------------------------9.380/100m
Impedance:---------------------------------------1.0 100Mhz /100 + 15%
100 200Mhz /100 + 22%
200 300Mhz /100 + 32%